Our Wedding Party Service

When you get that call from your friend or family that they have some big news to tell you, you might get excited or anxious or both. They’ve gotten engaged and soon after, they might ask you the big question … will you be my maid of honor, or bridesmaid or best man?
Soon after, the dates of showers, parties, dress shopping and bachelorette and bachelor parties start to fill the calendar. You may begin the process of eating healthy and exercising to find that perfect dress to wear. Manicures, hair appointments and shopping for the perfect present start to fill your thoughts. But what about the most important and overlooked item on that to-do list … your skin.
At almost every event there will be pictures taken and posted for everyone to see. Wedding events and wedding day pictures are some of the most treasured and viewed. For years to come, those special memories will be on display for your friends and family to see. Why worry or shy away or hope the photographer will Photoshop the pictures.
Our Benefit to You
Rocky Mountain Skin Center is here to help you with all those skin care needs, whether it is unwanted hair, blemishes, lines, wrinkles or just wanting your skin to match that flawless dress, hair and makeup combination. Most treatments are ideally started at least 6 months prior to the special day. But we can sit with you and talk about what your concerns are and what treatments will give the best results.
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